
UBC's Okanagan campus faces a shortage of outdoor seating and study spaces, particularly during busy seasons, leading to a recognized need for more facilities.
The project serves the dual purpose of providing sustainable outdoor study spaces while offering students and community members opportunities to develop professional and technical skills through hands-on involvement.
The project serves the dual purpose of providing sustainable outdoor study spaces while offering students and community members opportunities to develop professional and technical skills through hands-on involvement.
The Solar Bench Project, a collaboration between the student team IDS and the Laboratory for Solar Energy and Fuels (LSEF) at UBC Okanagan, aims to address this issue by installing solar-powered benches equipped with seating, tables, power outlets, and an off-grid PV system with batteries for 4-day autonomy.


Promote Clean Energy

Data Collection & Analysis

Collaboration with Third-Party Groups

Compliance with UBCO Guidelines
Sensor Integration

Comprehensive Solar Bench Design

we participated in
Wellness Bench Design Competition 2022-23 (CPCI)

and we won
3 prize

Introduction of faculty advisor, Dr. Uhl, to the upcoming team for ongoing support and guidance.
Emphasis on communicating maintenance requirements for the bench's one-year temporary installment.
Documentation will be prepared to explain in-depth details of electrical, mechanical, and software systems for troubleshooting purposes.

Solar Bench project aims to be completed by the end of the current school year.
Certain aspects of the project will extend into the 2024-2025 school year.

Current team is divided into architecture/structural, electrical, and software sub-teams. Ideal scenario involves some current team members continuing into the next school year.